Spruce Creek Class of 1984 Vault
An eclectic collection of photos, trinkets, documents, buttons and other random treasure from deep within the Class of 1984 Vault! To view an enlarged
image or read a document (if it is a pdf), just click on the item.
Many thanks to our contributors: Sandra Wood Shaw, Mary Holladay Naugle, Lorisa Roberts Hilburn, and Bobby Pinter.
If anyone would like to contribute from their own vault, email the items to sprucecreek@webreflections.com
From the category "You Mean Someone Actually Kept This Stuff?!!"
(Click thumbnail to view enlarged picture)
Previous Reunions
(Click thumbnail to view enlarged picture)
 30 Year Reunion Fingerprint Poster! (Click on Poster to view up-close)
10 Year Reunion Video
Video footage from our 10 Year Reunion in 1994. The 80's may be gone but apparently big hair and mullets still survived into the 90's!
Commencement, Last Will & Testament, and More....
When We Were Much Much Younger....
(Click thumbnail to view enlarged photo)